Put night contacts in

Put night contacts out
Put night contacts in

1. Prepare and install
- Wash your hands and dry them thoroughly with a clean, lint-free towel
- Sit in front of your mirror laid flat on a work surface
2. Night lens rince
- Remove the lens from the case, always starting with your right lens (slightly purple)
- Rinse the lens with saline solution
- Never rinse with tap water or mineral water to avoid contaminating

3. Night lens insertion
- Place the lens on the end of the index finger and fill it with comfort drops+
- Lean over your mirror, face parallel to the mirror and place the lens horizontally
- Lower your lower eyelid with the middle finger of the same hand
- With the other hand, pull your upper eyelid up. Hold your eyelids tight so you don’t blink
- Move the lens in front of your iris, parallel to the mirror; it is important to place your lens on the cornea and not on the white of the eye
- Gently release your eyelids
The lens is put in. Once the lens is placed, blink to check the vision, then place the left (slightly bluish) lens following the same protocol. From the 2 lenses put in, you can go lie down serenely. It is recommended, for the effectiveness of the treatment, to keep your eyes closed for at least 6 hours and not to stay awake too long once the lenses have been applied.
Put night contacts out

1. Prepare and install
- When you wake up, instill a few drops of comfort drops in your eyes before removing your lenses 15 minutes later
- Wash your hands and dry them thoroughly with a clean, lint-free towel
- Sit in front of your mirror laid flat on a work surface
2. Night lens removal
- Lean over your mirror, face parallel to the mirror
- Lock your lower eyelid against the eye at the eyelash line. Be careful not to flip it or see the pink part of your eyelid
- Don’t press your eye
- Raise your upper eyelid to the lash line
- Then bring your eyelids together to remove the lens out of the eye

3. Rince night contact lens
- Massage your lens in the palm of your hand with a few drops of Hydrogen peroxide solution to clean it of any potential germ
- Rinse with saline solution
- Never rinse with tap water or mineral water to avoid contaminating
- Put it in its case
- Fill your case up to the mark and soak your lentils for at least 6 hours